Hearkee, Ye Raskal! Hear Me, Sirrah: The Conundrums of Researching and Writing

We had a wonderful and informative evening with Larry Feign on Thursday, 8th April. Larry is well-known to many old Hong Kong ...

Koh Samui is paradise … Bloody Paradise

Long-time HKWC member Jame Dibiasio has just published his new thriller, Bloody Paradise. Tropical escape…or death trap?Trav ...

Dynamic Contrasts: Tradition and Modernity in Hong Kong’s Urban Landscape

Hong Kong, a city of dynamic contrasts, is a mesmerizing blend of tradition and modernity, where ancient customs coexist with ...

Navigating the Vibrant Tapestry: Exploring Hong Kong’s Cultural Melting Pot

Step into the bustling streets of Hong Kong, and you’ll find yourself immersed in a world where tradition dances with ...

Call for Submissions to The Hong Kong Writers Circle Anthology for 2023!

Members and members-to-be of the Hong Kong Writers Circle are cordially invited to submit a work of poetry, short fiction, or ...

Gateway to Asia: Hong Kong’s Role as a Global Financial and Trade Hub

Nestled on the southeastern coast of China, Hong Kong stands as a beacon of economic prowess and global influence, serving as the ...

Beyond the Skyline: Unveiling Hidden Gems in Hong Kong’s Neighborhoods

While Hong Kong’s iconic skyline may capture the world’s attention, there’s a whole world waiting to be ...

Hong Kong: A Culinary Odyssey Through East-meets-West Flavors

Embark on a gastronomic journey unlike any other as we explore the vibrant culinary landscape of Hong Kong, where East meets West ...